Friday, January 28, 2011

Seeing Differently

One thing I'm learning about photography is the need to see things with a different eye, which can be through magnification, angle, perspective, lighting, etc. I had to hold the camera out underneath this item to get the photo and therefore couldn't look through the viewer. It isn't as sharp as I might have liked, but it gave me a new perspective on a lighting fixture that I wouldn't have had before.
One thing I want to do as a Christian is to see things with a different eye, to look for Jesus, to see things through His eyes. "God sees not as a man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, while the Lord looks at the heart." That's it. When I went beyond convention, I saw the heart of the light fixture, the place that nobody else sees and that is surprisingly beautiful. There isn't always beauty at the heart, but the truth is revealed. Lord, help me to see differently, to look at the heart.


  1. this is the first time I have been back to see your blog since you started it--very nice! I enjoy both your pictures and writing. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks for the encouraging words!
