Monday, January 27, 2014


This candle was made with flowers from the memorial service after my sister died.  It pains me sometimes to observe how little I think about her now, how I need things like this candle to jog my memory and bring her back to me.  It doesn't seem right that she should pass away not only from this life, but also from my thoughts.  I remember you, my sister!
How quickly we forget.   If only we could remember every single person, every single event, every conversation, every book read, every movie seen, every disturbing image, every harsh word, every rancorous argument, every grief, every pain...sound good to you?  Me neither. Our limited memories are no doubt a blessing from God.  He knows that there are some things that are better forgotten and the sooner, the better.  

Yet, we are to be careful and disciplined about our memories: careful not to forget that which is important, and disciplined in our bringing those things to remembrance.  God had to tell His people over and over and over again not to forget what He did when He brought them out of Egypt.  He memorialized it with food and ritual in the Passover supper.  Memorials were built at his command to commemorate important events.  Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper to observe as a remembrance because we so easily forget those things that should not ever be forgotten.  We need reminders, substantive memorials.  We need the bread and the wine, the ritual food that nourishes our souls and jogs our memories.

I remember You, my Lord!

And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, 
he broke it and gave it to them, saying,
 “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
Luke 22:19

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