Friday, January 3, 2014

A Matter of Perspective

I went on the most epic walk today.  I was definitely feeling on the heroic side as I prepared myself to go outside where the cold wind was howling a challenge.   By the time I left the house, only my eyes were uncovered and I headed directly into the wind.   It was a battle, me against the elements as I fought to walk while being pushed backward.  There was a moment or two when I considered turning around.  "Let's call the whole thing off!"   I'm not proud of my wimpiness, but there it is.  However, it wasn't long before I turned a corner and was in a place protected from the wind, a welcome respite.  By the time I got back to where I started, the wind was pushing me home.  It occurred to me that I was walking a metaphor for life.  At times I've been buffeted by trials and though I wished I could turn around, could only go forward, like it or not.  Then there are times of respite and encouragement, like stopping in at The Last Homely House and being cocooned.  And when I reach that last bend in the road, the fearsome winds will be pushing me Home and I will, I hope, be able to say, "Bring it on!"

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