Monday, December 31, 2012

Twelve Traditions of Christmas - Part 7

THE EMPTY TREE.   As far as I know, this tradition is somewhat unique to our family.  When I was growing up, we never put any presents under the tree until Christmas Eve. This lent even more mystery and anticipation to our Christmas celebration.  Gifts were purchased, wrapped and then hidden within our rooms until the moment arrived for revealing that which had been concealed.  I never knew until we had 6 children of our own that there was a very practical reason for this tradition - it removed a lot of stress not having to worry about all those curious hands getting into the packages all season long.

So when we get our tree, we wrap lights around it and we put ornaments all over it, but we put nothing underneath it except the Christmas tree skirt.  We are waiting, hoping, anticipating and dreaming, just as the Jews of long ago did when the promises of a Messiah were yet unfulfilled.  We are confident and expectant, full of faith that what has been hidden will be revealed.  


  1. We might need to make this a thing when Corin is mobile. Right now, he still can't crawl, and the under-tree area is bursting with bags for faraway family. It was pretty much the only place we could fit them!

  2. This was my family's tradition too; with 6 kids, probably for the practical reasons you stated. It has changed a bit since as we are often traveling to family during the holidays. Our tradition evolved to sorting the wrapped gifts for those outside our immediate family into large holiday bags. We keep our gifts to each other mostly hidden, so it evokes the spirit of giving rather than getting. It makes me feel a bit like St Nick to grab the bags and go!

  3. I love the mystery of the thing, but it's true that it probably started with purely practical concerns.

  4. And some of us never got around to wrapping till after everyone went to bed on Christmas Eve! ...because once I started wrapping too early, forgot what stuff was, and had to unwrap to remind myself.
    (Maybe a better list would have helped, LOL.)

  5. Is that a home made Christmas tree skirt? I seem to remember back in your Fort Wayne days, you working on a quilted tree skirt?

  6. Yes, I made that tree skirt back in our Indiana days - what a good memory you have!
