Saturday, March 5, 2016


This is a blog post.  This is a blog post written by someone who, at the moment, has nothing to say.  Sometimes I wonder if my brain is just becoming more dull by the year.   Anyway, since I don't have a particular subject upon which to philosophize or pontificate, I'll just list some random thoughts.

1.  Trump.  No.  Just no.

2.  John Bunyan. I'm reading his spiritual autobiography (Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners) and I'm not sure I've ever seen such tortured mental anguish over perceived, but not actual, sin.  He went for a long time thinking he had committed the unpardonable sin and every time he tried to apply God's grace in the situation, he found ways to justify the fact that he had, indeed, committed it.  He was the master of introspection, that's for sure - makes me look like a rank amateur.  

3.  Kris just turned 55.  Here he is as a little boy:
What a cutie!  So now we are both eligible for the senior discount at most restaurants.  This seems odd, but oh well.

4.  Polaroid.  Ruth and I found a charming set of cards that were styled to look like old Polaroid shots, which got us thinking that we could do that ourselves.  Here are a couple of our efforts:



That's all for now, folks!


  1. I felt rather like a xenoanthropologist (or would it be a xenosociologist) reading Bunyan's autibiography. So very foreign! I am amazed how God made people with such very different thought processes. I would recommend at least dipping in to Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ, also by Bunyan. A plump little book of 230 pages expounding on John 6:37. Want to borrow it?

    1. I'm still working my way through John Bunyan's letters, so I'd better hold off for now. Thanks!
