And now, the stunning revelation: in a strange turn of events, I've become a bobblehead myself. Yes, it's true. This is a consequence of not always hearing what people are saying to me, especially in loud places like restaurants. The bobble is a handy maneuver which allows you to give the impression that you heard what was said and are definitely tracking the conversation. Here's how it works:
Other person: The other day I mumble mumble and it is so mumble mumble in the morning...(and so on)
Me: Bobble, bobble.
If the person is smiling and generally looking pleased with the world, I'll accompany the bobble with a smile. If they look worried, the bobble will take on a concerned-looking aspect. The only time the bobble doesn't work, and those of you who are clever will have already figured this part out, is when the other person asks an actual question requiring words as a response. It may surprise you to learn that many questions don't require words as a response, for example:
Other person: Mumble, mumble, mumblety you know what I mean?
Me: bobble, bobble.
Other person (perfectly satisfied): mumble more mumble...
If someone looks rather aghast or confused after I've issued a non-committal bobble, this is my cue that I've completely missed something important and, well, bobbled it.
On that note, I'll just be bobble, bobble, bobbling along.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Matthew 11:15
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