Tuesday, August 27, 2013


We are all walking stories, this world a diverse library stuffed with living books of all kinds. Some of our stories exalt the Author; others despise Him.  Human history is full of stories rich and complex or insipid and superficial.  An air of mystery may permeate the plot line of one person's novel, while the trajectory of another's may be plain for all to see.

I often think about this when my path briefly crosses that of another, two stories that pass each other by.  And I marvel at marriage, the intertwining of two stories such that they become one, even while retaining the uniqueness of each individual's chapters.

Recently someone posted on Facebook a short video taken of an older woman stealing rhubarb in a garden and cursing continually at the bystander who confronted her.   Her voice was guttural and harsh, her mien violent, her manner rude.  I felt inexpressibly sad as I contemplated her story.   What events and people had brought her to this pass in life?  Did she learn such language because that was the way she was spoken to?  When and how did stealing become the order of the day for her?  Was she ever someone's sweet little daughter or had she been from the beginning unwanted and neglected, cursed at and cast away?   I was curious and yet I would have been afraid to read her story.  Who can stand to know all the misery, heartache and sin that abides in our skins between the covers of our books?

There is only One who is not afraid to enter such darkness because He cannot be enveloped by it.  He casts light wherever He goes.  When He enters a story, its trajectory is permanently changed.   He entered into the ugliness of my story and made it beautiful.  He can do the same for that woman.  He can do the same for you. 

The light shines in the darkness, 
and the darkness has not overcome it
John 1:5


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