Thursday, January 3, 2013

Twelve Traditions of Christmas - Part 10

CHRISTMAS COOKIES.   I'd like to say that I started making loads of Christmas cookies way back in the beginning of our marriage, but I think it's more accurate to say that the tradition started when we started growing a bunch of cookie-eating children.  I've kept a list for over over 15 years now of the Sacred Cookie Selection for each year.  Certain cookies have reappeared every year; others have been tried and then were silently dropped from the list when they failed to perform as expected.

After all the gifts are under the tree, we adjourn to the dining room where we have cookies and tea (Constant Comment, to be exact).  I used to make a full meal on Christmas Eve, but at some point it dawned on me that we were ruining our cookie appetites with all that food, so now we always have a salad bar meal, just enough to take the edge off our hunger and leave plenty of room for the Main Event.

About five years ago, I wearied of always making the same cookies, year after year after year.  I wiped the whole slate clean and made all new cookies. This year is still referred to as "The Year of Heresy" by my children.   In spite of the fact that I've known these people all their lives, I somehow failed to foresee this reaction.  And I'll admit that I missed the old favorites as well.   In the end, I returned to the Sacred Cookie Selection, but always allow myself at least two new recipes to try each year.  Happy ending!