Saturday, January 14, 2012


I haven't taken many photos yet in 2012, in spite of some thought ripples that gave rise to vague ideas that I should take some photos every day.   I'm a victim of my own expectations.   I don't think I'm alone in this (you know who you are). So rather than wallow in the muddy murkiness of unexpressed goals, let me just say right here and now: I will not be taking pictures every day in 2012.  Not even close!  And my photos will often disappoint me by not living up to what my mind's eye had conjured up before I picked up the camera.   There's something perverse about having to lay groundwork like that in order to be happy, but there you have it.

However, I do like goals.  I like News Year's Resolutions, too (shhh...don't spread that around.  New Year's Resolutions have fallen out of favor).   But how about goals that are in some way attainable, goals that challenge, but don't intimidate, goals that inspire, but aren't so lofty that after one day of non-compliance one must crumble in despair?  (I really wrestled with whether or not to end that complicated sentence with a question mark but in the end determined that I had set myself up and must square my shoulders and let it stand.)

With that in mind, I do solemnly set forth the following goals for 2012:
1.  I will learn how to use my electronic flash attachment, even in low light conditions.
2.  I will learn how to photograph silhouettes.
3.  I will make a cheat sheet for my camera (something I've been intending to do for about 2 years now).
4.  I will continue to post in this blog 2 times a month.  Or more, depending on...well, just depending.  Don't count on the extra blog(s).  This means I should probably be using my camera at least twice a month.  I hope that's not too lofty.

Here's a couple photos I took before removing all the vestiges of Christmas from our house.  There's nothing really special about them, but they make me happy.  If I could have some music playing that you and I could listen to while reading this, it would be "Peponi" by the Piano Guys.  Because that makes me happy, too.

Here's the final word on happy:

Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help,
         Whose hope is in the LORD his God...  Psalm 146:5

God is my help and my hope; what more could I ask?

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